Morgane Allaire-Rousse

Systems Thinking Strategist

Thought Partner. Systems Thinker. Data & Digital Collaboration Whizz. Inclusivity Advocate. Compassionate Communicator.

At Convive, Morgane Allaire-Rousse leverages her systems thinking expertise to guide philanthropic organizations towards more empathetic and participatory models, ensuring that philanthropic efforts resonate deeply and sustainably with beneficiary communities. As our resident data and digital collaboration whizz she also takes a lead on developing Miro boards, surveys, and data visualization to support our storytelling and facilitation journeys.

Morgane spent the last eight years helping multi-stakeholder groups take a step back and make better decisions through a shared understanding of the dynamics and opportunities between themselves and within the system they seek to influence. Her approach integrates systems thinking with human-centered design, enhancing collaborative decision-making and strategic planning. Her proficiency with digital solutions not only streamlines processes but also amplifies the impact of Convive's initiatives.

Morgane’s diverse background, including roles with USAID Policy LINK and the Global Knowledge Initiative, has honed her skills in stakeholder engagement, strategic advising, and systems mapping. Outside of the traditional work-place, Morgane is a student permaculture farmer. The permaculture principles of interconnectedness and sustainability mirror the collaborative, systems thinking tactics she applies to philanthropy. This blend of ecological understanding and strategic insight inspires innovative, lasting solutions.

Morgane currently loves learning about: 

  • Digital facilitation tools for enhanced stakeholder collaboration

  • Applying permaculture insights to organizational strategy